

Joysong is a small family of Boston lovers.

Our first Boston was purchased from in front of the local Walmart store. Willie was a few months old when I happened upon him being offered for sale.

Strangely Willie had a grey head. I handed the seller $100. As I gathered up the pup, I inquired about the grey head. “Didn’t I tell you he was deaf” was the response I got. Apparently somebody had dyed his head to hide his lack of marking (linked to a higher percentage of deafness with lack of head color and/or blue eyes)…well what did I know? Nothing except I had a new puppy, and the Boston love affair commenced.

After much education and investigation, I started my search for a female to start my breeding program. It took me 2 years to find a nice little female that I could purchase with full breeding rights and who been health tested.

I have been blessed with help, guidance and friendship from both Yella Rose and Heavenly Bostons.

I have drug my family on this Boston adventure, our goal is to raise happy, healthy puppies that will be loving family member, unfailing confidant and a source of laughter and friendship for many healthy years to come.